Monday, December 25, 2006

Prayerful Thanks to all "Sheepdogs"

This poem is my response to this poem by Russ Vaughn
God bless ya'all sheepdogs

The wolves at bay,
All thanks to you,
No one can say,
How much they'd do,
In damage done,
To liberty,
But for sheepdogs,
She's history.

Keep safe now,
And win the war,
And have no cow,
Because some bore,
Speaks lies so sour,
To countrymen,
Unaware this hour,
Could bring their end.

Just slog away,
Good fights fought good,
You die today,
So others would,
Be left to know,
Or not,their fortune,
They reap,you sow,
Dead from the scorchin'.

And when it's done,
Survivors grateful,
Hail every one,
Of brothers fateful,
End in battle,
No love has us,
As those sans rattle,
Saying,"Victory or bust".

Merry Christmas Sheepdogs pst and present,living and dead - and thank you from the bottom of my heart,for the freedom and security that is all too easy to take for granite


Sunday, December 24, 2006

Quit America,To Win the War is MUCH Too Hard

Key to "Easy Life": Always Quit When Going is Tough
Sunday, December 24, 2006 2:52 PM
Unfortunately,many so called conservative thinkers go along with the "convetional wisdom" that says Iraq is a disaster and in so doing, legitimate the driveby medias constant attack on the psyche of decent Americans who rely on them("conservative" commentators)for bold insite as they don't have time to read fine columnists like Mr. Kevin McCullough here and all of the informative links he provides.

And that is what leads to my greatest frustration: If even 50% of the USA was actively united against the enemy,and the other 50% would just stop saying terrible things about us,our militsry,our President,then we would be unstoppable and the enemy knows it.

And that is what leads to my greatest anger: Those who speak out in public,ie:Democrat senators,congressmen,unexplainably respected celebrities and your occasional republican turncoat, claim to be speaking in the best interests of the nation by telling the truth of how evil WE are(while never even mentioning the truly evil acts of the enemy,let alone condemning them,but that's a whole other subject),are NEVER confronted with the simple question,"If you are really concerned for the good of the nation,wouldn't it be best to try and affect change behind the scenes and directly at the source,as in,the President,the Pentagon etc.?" And then the inevitable follow up,"Who else can it possibly help but the enemy when America is seen as a divided country,that with just enough sensless killing will eventually lean all the way over and fall into full surrender,now that so called U.S. leaders are willing to show more allegiance to the stance of our enemy than to their fellow countrymen and women in uniform?"

Our own war to maintain the Union was a "disaster" that should've been aborted.
WWII was in doubt for years and America was not even the preeminent superpower that she now is.
The Revolutionary War was "A terrible idea" that would only lead to needless death and destruction of property.
We were through in "The war of 1812".
The first Gulf War "Would require 100,000 body bags".

I guess things never change.If it were easy and everyone agreed,I guess this wouldn't be America. It just seems to me that there is an unprecedented tally of LEADERS in CONGRESS who openly show disdain for their own country and its leadership during time of war and I can't help but wonder if this not the time when we have finally pushed our preference for freedom of EVERYTHING,including sedition and out and out treason(see:NY Times/their sources,Joe Wilson,Pros.Fitzgerald etc.),over a natural desire for self preservation.

Iraq IS doing good,relatively good. We lost thousands on "D-day",we were doing good.Antietam was horrific,we still had 3 more years of horror.America didn't quit because the cause was virtuous.Now people who believed in this mission enough to make a fully informed vote for it,are savaging the effort and giving the enemy their biggest I.E.D. by sanctioning their evil work. Because if the enemy were to lose,(You know,as in America wins?) then everything the democrats say would be proven wrong,thus illustrating why they must speak as loudly and as publicly as possible so as to bring about the failure of this effort,because if it's one thing a politician cannot be seen as,it's wrong.

Yes,we need more positiveness like
this work by Mr.Kevin McCullough,but we also need a whole lot of shame directed at the forces of defeatism as their way is spreading and can only lead to the REAL worst thing about Viet Nam: Acquiescing to a great evil.


Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Liberals,by Deffinition,are Liars if not Jes Plane Stoopit

Dennis Prager made a brilliant point the other day that I can't believe someone as smart as me -or anyone else that I've ever heard for that matter- did not already come up with and this is it:

If the lefts reason for being anti-death penalty is rooted in the fear of an innocent
person being executed (something that virtually never happens now with the advent
of DNA,the appeals process and the burden of proof required from the prosecution),
then they must also acknowledge the fact that this policy exposes countless more
innocent victims to the horrors of being killed,raped,molested or otherwise harmed
by these same paroled killers,rapists,molesters and other portrayers of attrocities
upon the masses.

The numbers aren't even close when comparing these two classes of victimhood. A day doesn't go by where you can't find a story of some piece of human refuse, with a criminal record verging on that of your average malevolent dictators,who takes a small child or criple in a wheelchair and does something unspeakable to them not to mention all of the more common mayhem they perpetrate that barely elicits a yawn from the authorities who have bigger offices to occupy,er um, crimes to persue and prosecute.

So just remember that the next time some snivling, danny glover, commy pinko,che guevera loving type pulls the "Hey man, I saw where some poor guy got railroaded for nothing because the sherriff was a racist". Remind him of all of the truly innocent who are killed brutally by the policies of the left. Besides,the solution to the racist sherriff is to put him away and throw the key in the comode,not have a wholesale release of the scum of the earth.


Sunday, December 03, 2006

Son of:"Congressman Ellison" is the Issue,NOT what he swears on THE REMIX

This is my response to Denis Pragers column about congressman Ellisons (of the moron state of minnesota who's borderstoop I'll not be darkening anytime soon) intention to be sworn in on a koran.

If any American running for office took money from groups and individuals as hateful and violent/encouraging of violence as now Congressman Ellison has, and they were NOT muslim/black/a flaming lib,they would be crushed by the onslaught of negative MSM coverage and rightfully so.
This is just another case of the foundations of our country being undermined by the leftist MSM and useful idiot voters, who suffer from brain rot, in retard states like minnesota.
The attacks of Sep.-11-2001 didn't destroy us so they're going on the subversive offense.And sadly,far too many of us are lapping up our own doom.I don't cair what he swears on,it's the fact that he even got elected that is so horrofying.Americans should be overly protective.Instead we are overly accomodating.These islamo facists,whether Ellison is their ally or not,will kill many more of us before we will learn apparently.Ellison's ascension to office proves that,God help us/Allah kill us.

And now,to continue my selfserving ways,here is a response to response by some guy named:
Bissel writes:
Sunday, December, 03, 2006 8:33 PM
"If any American running for office took money from groups and individuals as hateful and violent/encouraging of violence as now Congressman Ellison has, and they were NOT muslim/black/a flaming lib,they would be crushed by the onslaught of negative MSM coverage and rightfully so."Which groups and individuals?"This is just another case of the foundations of our country being undermined by the leftist MSM and useful idiot voters, who suffer from brain rot, in retard states like minnesota."Which foundations?"The attacks of Sep.-11-2001 didn't destroy us so they're going on the subversive offense.And sadly,far too many of us are lapping up our own doom.I don't cair what he swears on,it's the fact that he even got elected that is so horrofying."Yeah, damn those voters for electing someone based on what he claims rather than what his religion is! Why can't they be more American!"Americans should be overly protective.Instead we are overly accomodating.These islamo facists,whether Ellison is their ally or not,will kill many more of us before we will learn apparently.Ellison's ascension to office proves that,God help us/Allah kill us."Just remember: The Nazis were overly protective.

And in keeping with the established selfservingness,here's my response to the above response to my original response:
2spotlefty writes: Sunday, December, 03, 2006 9:10 PM
re:"Which groups and individuals"(of the hateful/violence inducing type)"peppermint",a responder about 1,100 comments back, had the link to a powerline post with SOME of the details of his(cong.Ellisons) connections to the very evil.Here tis: I know powerline criticizes great heroes of yours like the joke that is dan rather,but they DO deal in the truth.

re:"Which foundations"(of America that is) Oh I don't know, maybe Christianity for one.The tradition of swearing in on the Bible since this countries first President for another and common sense by the way you and yours struggle to embrace your own murderers.
re:"Yeah, damn those voters for electing someone based on what he claims rather than what his religion is! Why can't they be more American!"The key word there is "claims".He got elected against all reason and a normal desire for self preservation.That is why minnesotans are complete dumbells with a deathwish.It(the deathwish) will come true too.
re: The nazi card.You guys always go there.It's just ironic that you use it more and more to appologize for actual nazis.You're a fool and you're suffering from the same case of worlwide "Stockholm syndrome" that all appeasers suffer from.You should live in France where they don't even acknowledge that a problem exists.They'll fry for it and so will we.

What now ? A great character from lit gets in on the slaughter:

John Galt writes: Sunday, December, 03, 2006 8:55 PM
re: 2spotlefty
quote: "Ellison is of "them", not "us"If any American running for office took money from groups and individuals as hateful and violent/encouraging of violence as now Congressman Ellison has, and they were NOT muslim/black/a flaming lib,they would be crushed by the onslaught of negative MSM coverage and rightfully so."I'd be interested in hearing exactly what groups you speak of, and some evidence of their encouragement of violence and hate.quote: "This is just another case of the foundations of our country being undermined by the leftist MSM and useful idiot voters, who suffer from brain rot, in retard states like minnesota."While I am guessing that I would personally vote against Mr. Ellison (Democrats who run as "progressives" rarely seem to fervently pursue policies based on free market economics and individual liberty), I fail to see how his selection by the voters of his constituency is "undermin[ing]" anything. This might be hard to believe for you, but intelligent people can actually disagree on things. Voting in a way other than the way you prefer is evidence neither of "brain rot", or of mental retardation.Oh, and I've been to Minnesota, and I found it to be quite charming.quote: "The attacks of Sep.-11-2001 didn't destroy us so they're going on the subversive offense.And sadly,far too many of us are lapping up our own doom.I don't cair what he swears on,it's the fact that he even got elected that is so horrofying.Americans should be overly protective.Instead we are overly accomodating.These islamo facists,whether Ellison is their ally or not,will kill many more of us before we will learn apparently.Ellison's ascension to office proves that,God help us/Allah kill us."Mr. Ellison was elected, he did not "ascend". And I am interested in hearing how the election of a person who isn't an "islamo fascist" would prove that we are "overly accommodating" to "islamo fascist[s]". Perhaps you can explain that one.I don't think we should be "overly protective" or "overly accommodating". I believe we should be fastidious in protecting individual liberty, while at the same time being smart in pursuing policies that maintain our national security.

...and my response to this new victim:

2spotlefty writes: Sunday, December, 03, 2006 9:26 PM
John Galt
For someone named "John Galt" man you sure are lacking of any semblance of the affliction of common sense that one Ayn Rand would surely have spoken to,regarding the obvious infiltration of evil in our midst.She hated communists or any hint of them and people associated with c.a.i.r.(one of those hate/advocating of violence groups that you asked about-also,go here are so full of deciept and the kind of vile obfuscation of truth or ANYTHING resembling "A is A" logic that I have NO doubt that she would have condemned these obvious liars who represent a culture of death that has not contributed anything of a positive nature to the advancement of man for a thousand years.The difference between "us" and "them" must be made clear.No doubts.American culture: good.Islamic culture: destructive. Ayn Rand would've been "liberated" from her head in congressman Ellisons dream of sheria law.Common sense man. Don't you know a liar when you see one ?

...and yet another "One so easy to swat" joins the fray:

johnhenry writes: Sunday, December, 03, 2006 9:39 PM
Knowing liars when I see one?
Do you want an answer to that? There is more than enough false witness on this page. And yet I haven't seen any of it coming from Ellison.

Here 'tis, my tried and true, to the above that is, so filled with b u (bull s that is):

2spotlefty writes: Sunday, December, 03, 2006 9:57 PM
A follower of Islam is a liar by definition.It is justified in the text of their own "holy" koran.Ya gotta read a little more.Americans vehemently renounce and decry people that do evil in our name.The simple fact that virtually no one of the "Nation of Islam" will make it a cause to turn back the so called minority who pervert their beliefs is proof that they lie.If you're waiting for someone to say "Hey,we're here to kill ya'all and take over the place,okay you miserable infidels?" then I am afraid you are lacking the same basic common sense and desire for self preservation as any other useful idiot.You can say that others bare false witness without proof while accepting your enemy on the face value of his lies.If you be the majority brother, we is boned. Man,another guy using the name of a great American mythological hero who is a nincompoop!

Now "bissel" returns for a lengthy request to be beaten about the head and shoulders:

Bissel writes:
Sunday, December, 03, 2006 10:04 PM
"e:"Which groups and individuals"(of the hateful/violence inducing type)"peppermint",a responder about 1,100 comments back, had the link to a powerline post with SOME of the details of his connections to the very evil.Here tis: know powerline criticizes great heroes of your like the joke that is dan rather,but they DO deal in the truth.• Nihad Awad publicly declared his enthusiasm for Hamas at Barry University in Florida in 1994: "I'm in support of Hamas movement more than the PLO.""So he supports the Hamas movement more than he supports the richest of all terrorist movements in 1994. I'd hardly say that's enthusiasm. What he said is similar to saying "I like eating puss more than I like dog poo." "• This same year, according to the Weekly Standard, when Mike Wallace of CBS's "60 Minutes" asked Awad if he supports the "military undertakings of Hamas," Awad stood up for the terrorist group and told him, "The United Nations Charter grants people who are under occupation [the right] to defend themselves against illegal occupation."Are we Israel? Are there not people that believe they have been unjustly ousted from their homeland? "• In an August 19, 2006 interview on C-Span’s Washington Journal, Awad rationalized suicide terrorism by suggesting it's really about fighting injustice. He refers to the writing of author Robert Pape on the subject: "He found out that it [suicide terrorism] has more to do with occupations and fighting injustice than religion. It really responds to the myth and the known notion now that has been used by several commentators and some politicians as a cliché because it sounds maybe dramatically well but factually it is not."Isn't that something that we've known for years? That they're using it to fight for what they believe is an injustice rather than their religion? Is this that big of a revelation?"• Shortly after September 11, 2001, Awad and CAIR placed on their website a picture of the World Trade Center in flames and under it a call for donations. It read, "What you can do for the victims of the WTC and Pentagon attacks," and by clicking on "Donate to the NY/DC Emergency Relief Fund" one was unsuspectingly sent directly to the website of the Holy Land Foundation. A week later, the wording of the site was changed, as visitors to the site were directly told to "Donate through the Holy Land Foundation." The link was on CAIR's website until early December 2001, when the information mysteriously disappeared."I'd like more than just someone saying this. (That is, I want images rather than just 17 or so blogs saying exactly the same thing. And by exactly, I mean verbatim) I know, I know, silly me for wanting proof rather than some blogs saying the same thing. Cuz it's not like they never fact check things. Like if congressmen ever actually take oaths with the Bible. (Or if that part is just a photo op.)"• On Sept. 16, 2000, at a Washington rally sponsored by CAIR, AMC, and MPAC, Awad declared: "They [the Jews] have been saying 'next year to Jerusalem,' we say 'next year to all of Palestine!'""And this is horrible because...? Keeping in mind, again, that there is a group of people that believe they have been unjustly removed from their homeland.That's hardly incriminating. And that's one person they bring up."re:"Which foundations"(of America that is) Oh I don't know, maybe Christianity for one.The tradition of swearing in on the Bible since this countries first President for another and common sense by the way you and yours struggle to embrace your own murderers."Except Christianity isn't a foundation of America (Look up Deism) (If Christianity WERE a foundation of America, the freedom of religion would not exist) and the Swearing on the Bible is not a tradition that Congress has. (Google "swearing in Congress" and click image search-- you'll see a bunch of people standing up with their hand held.) Actually, here-->, just to point out, not all of the Presidents have used a Bible. Also, look up "Jefferson Bible" to see what version HE used :) (Not to mention Washington used the Masonic Bible)Also:"The taking of the oath is relatively simple, with members asked to say: "I, (name of member), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God."The House speaker administers the oath to members en masse on the floor of the House of Representatives. It's up to individual members if they want to hold religious texts, said Fred Beuttler, the House deputy historian. After the official swearing-in, members often have photos taken at a staged swearing-in ceremony in the speaker's office or their own offices, where they can place their left hands on sacred texts or hold them and have their families or religious leaders present, Beuttler said.Protocol in the higher chamber is similar. The Senate president - the vice president of the United States - usually swears in four senators at a time, who often are accompanied by their fellow senators from the same states, Senate historian Richard A. Baker said. The staged ceremony occurs later in the old Senate chamber. Again, it's up to the senator if he or she wants to place a hand on a sacred text or carry one.""re:"Yeah, damn those voters for electing someone based on what he claims rather than what his religion is! Why can't they be more American!"The key word there is "claims".He got elected against all reason and a normal desire for self preservation.That is why minnesotans are complete dumbells with a deathwish.It will come true too."EVERY politician is voted in based on what s/he claims. But, you know, clearly one person out of over 400 in one house of Congress will cause America to be destroyed."re: The nazi card.You guys always go there.It's just ironic that you use it more and more to appologize for actual nazis.You're a fool and you're suffering from the same case of worlwide "Stockholm syndrome" that all appeasers suffer from.You should live in France where they don't even acknowledge that a problem exists.They'll fry for it and so will we."You mean that I think the taking away of rights and bringing America closer to fascism is similar to what the Nazis did to Germany? Yeah, if that's the case, then you're right. I'm playing the Nazi card because Nazis were fascists and what you're suggesting is removing one of the fundamental rights of America- thus taking it that one step closer to fascism.

My goodness, will they never learn ? My response:
2spotlefty writes: Sunday, December, 03, 2006 10:25 PM
What did I say to suggest "removing one of the fundamental rights of America"? What I said(or was implying)was,inviting people with beliefs that are antithetical to our own existence is a fools game.If anyone should lose their rights,it's the voters of minnesota that should have more sense than to elect someone who provides even the SLIGHTEST hint of being connected to those that would do us/Israel harm.You hate Israel.See? I figured that out without you even saying it.You sir, are a facist at heart.How do I know this? You sympathize with insane nazi killers who target innocents with insane murder-bomber attacks.You need to join your commrads."We the (still) Living" chose not to join them,in spirit or otherwise.You are as transparent as they come.Score:2spot -3 and countingLefty symps - minus infinity(not to mention all of our lives if we be so foolish as to listen to your suicidal tripe).

Ah,they never learn.Do they ? John "Dolt" tries again:

johnhenry writes: Sunday, December, 03, 2006 10:21 PM
2spotlefty wrote on Sunday, December 3, 2006 at 9:57 PM:"johnhenry A follower of Islam is a liar by definition."Wrong. Further, that is your ill-informed opinion. A follower of Islam, by definition, is a Muslim."It is justified in the text of their own "holy" koran.Ya gotta read a little more."Have you read the entire Qur'an? I have. I find it to be an interesting book, although I do not believe it to be a revelation."Americans vehemently renounce and decry people that do evil in our name."Really? So, how vehemently are you renouncing those individuals I referred to in an earlier posting?"The simple fact that virtually no one of the "Nation of Islam" will make it a cause to turn back the so called minority who pervert their beliefs is proof that they lie."I haven't seen anything from you about the extremist Christians perverting Christianity. So, according to you, that makes you...what?"If you're waiting for someone to say "Hey,we're here to kill ya'all and take over the place,okay you miserable infidels?" then I am afraid you are lacking the same basic common sense and desire for self preservation as any other useful idiot."Didn't Jesus say something about calling other people that?"You can say that others bare false witness without proof while accepting your enemy on the face value of his lies.If you be the majority brother, we is boned."Well, I didn't mention anything about someone stripping a perjurer. I did say that those who have posted demonstrable lies--lies which have been proven to be such--bore false witness. I accept a person's statements to me on their face until they utter a lie. But, apparently, I'm in good company in consiring some Muslims honorable. After all, a commission in the Armed Forces of the United States of America is issued by the President of the United States. There have been Muslim officers in our Armed Forces."Man,another guy using the name of a great American mythological hero who is a nincompoop!"Again, didn't Jesus say something about calling people rakah?Anyway, I suspect you don't know any Muslims at all. I, on the other hand, have served alongside Muslims in the US Navy. They love their country and they practiced their religion. Interesting, hey?

Hear me go again:

2spotlefty writes: Sunday, December, 03, 2006 10:50 PM
re:"Christians perverting Christianity". Uh,would that be those Christians who blew thousands of people to bits last year? No wait,that would be you equivocating the culture of mass murdering scum with nimrods who say stupid things.You,just like the other appologists in this stream, are as transparent as c.a.i.r. or the 6 imams or arafat or any of the other liars out there.I won't say "wake up man" but rather "thank you for the clarity" as one Mr. Prager -remember him,the guy what started this- might say it, as clarity is much more important than consensus.As for muslims serving,God bless them.I'm sure if you asked them,they would be embarassed of and be willing to denounce the existence of,the killers who identify themselves with their "religion of peace".They are after all working to kill them,aren't they? So I take to heart this correction:Although there are virtually no muslim organizations of any consequence who denounce mass murder in their name,there is however an orginization that accepts people of ALL religious faiths,the United States Military,and they are doing Gods work in trying to exterminate this vile vermin.Can you say that? That the islamo-facists are vile vermin, or some such epithet, that needs to be purged from the planet? Go ahead,try it.Bet ya can't outdo me on that one. (And he never even tried. A smart man really does know when to quit I guess.)

"bissel" has plenty of pap yet to smear though:

Bissel writes: Sunday, December, 03, 2006 10:43 PM
"What did I say to suggest "removing one of the fundamental rights of America"? What I said(or was implying)was,inviting people with beliefs that are antithetical to our own existence is a fools game.""Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof""If anyone should lose their rights,it's the voters of minnesota that should have more sense than to elect someone who provides even the SLIGHTEST hint of being connected to those that would do us/Israel harm.""We are not Israel. Just so you know. But what about the people elected who are slightly connected to Operation Rescue? Do you have an issue with them?"You hate Israel.See? I figured that out without you even saying it."No, I just don't think that we should say "If someone is going to do harm to Israel, we hate them! We don't care about people who will do harm to X country, but if it's Israel, then hellz yeah!" I really have no feelings one way or the other over Israel."You sir, are a facist at heart.How do I know this? You sympathize with insane nazi killers who target innocents with insane murder-bomber attacks."I just believe in the whole "love thy neighbor" thing. Combined with "Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you" as well as "Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you. And unto him that smiteth thee on the one cheek offer also the other; and him that taketh away thy cloke forbid not to take thy coat also. Give to every man that asketh of thee; and of him that taketh away thy goods ask them not again. And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise." But in either case, I'm pretty sure the suicide bombers aren't Nazis, considering..."You need to join your commrads."We the (still) Living" chose not to join them,in spirit or otherwise.You are as transparent as they come.Score:2spot -3 and countingLefty symps - minus infinity(not to mention all of our lives if we be so foolish as to listen to your suicidal tripe)."Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.

This is getting real sad. No not me ! Their simpleton responses you fool. Well, time to put a rather neat bow on it...maybe:
2spotlefty writes: Sunday, December, 03, 2006 11:19 PM
re:Bissel and Israel
If you can't see that we are inexorably tied to Israel,then you just don't get it.I thought you were a Christian.Even when I was still an athiest I knew that.Well,gotta go inflict some cretin like discipline of bedtime on the kids.Try to get back in awhile.

Actually, the drooling would continue incoherently for a couple of more posts but that's about it for substance. Your thoughts:
