Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Can You say,"Acts Detrimental to America"

This is disgusting. NBCs' part in it I mean. Will we ever even ask traitors like this to stop featuring their handywork on primetime national tv ? The needless suffering and death that irresponsible organizations like NBC wantonly promote and encourage is horrific. Will they ever answer for it ? Apparently not until that fateful day of final judgement I am afraid.

Of course....there's always the one benefit of being overrun by the jihadists some day, and that would be paying a visit to the local town square, soccer stadium etc. to watch them behead the miserable dogs. Screw it, lets go pour a cocktail and enjoy the new Jihad Rage Boy Television Special. (I hear it's chock full of music and comedy, a veritable cornucopia of a variety show.)



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